GoveeBTTempLogger as a Debian Package

After getting my program to listen and log Bluetooth Low Energy advertisements from Govee thermometers running reliably, I needed to figure out how to make the program automatically start when my Raspberry was rebooted. I was led down two paths to get things working, systemd unit files, and debian package files created with dpkg-deb.

The final file structure I came up with is visible in but still can use some explanation as to what I did.

To create the debian package, I created a file structure under my source repository that mimicked what I wanted to put on the target system.

│       control
│       postinst
│       postrm
│       prerm
│   └───systemd
│       └───system
│               goveebttemplogger.service
│   └───local
│       └───bin
│               goveebttemplogger

I had decided I wanted my executable to be located in /usr/local/bin. It’s the file named goveebttemplogger. I wanted it to write log files into /var/log/goveebttemplogger/ and the easiest way to make sure that directory was created was to put a zero length file in that directory, gvh507x.txt.

The files in the DEBIAN directory are used by the dpkg-deb program when building the distributable package. More on those later.

To get the program configured to automatically run when the machine boots, and properly stop when it shuts down, I settled on the systemd unit files as the both the easiest and most reliable method. I’ve been around linux long enough to first think of /etc/rc.local manipulation, then script files for various runlevels in the /etc/init.d/ directories, and was amazed at both the power and ease of setting up to use the systemd unit files. The hardest part was figuring out what other services my program must have already started. I knew it was dependent on Bluetooth, but the specific services was a bit of a guess.

# Contents of /etc/systemd/system/goveebttemplogger.service
Description=GoveeBTTempLogger service dbus-org.bluez.service

ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/goveebttemplogger -v 0 -l /var/log/goveebttemplogger/


After creating that file in the specified location, I was able to issue the following commands to make systemd start the program.

sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable goveebttemplogger.service
sudo systemctl start goveebttemplogger.service

The most unique bit of my unit file is that I specifically want my program to be sent the SIGINT signal to kill it, since I will recognize that and flush the log files before exiting. The ExecStart line is the command line to run my program, which I’m also specifying the log directory as one of the parameters.

I had the systemd unit file and the initial DEBIAN/control file figured out pretty easily. I’d come across this article which helped understanding the control file.

Package: GoveeBTTempLogger
Version: 1.20200725-1
Section: custom
Priority: optional
Architecture: armhf
Essential: no
Installed-Size: 95
Description: Listen and log Govee Thermometer Bluetooth Low Energy Advertisments
Depends: libbluetooth3

What took me a while to figure out was how to get the systemctl commands to be run after the files were put in place by the package manager. There are four script commands, which I’m using three. preinst, postinst, prerm, and postrm. Each of them is a simple script and needs to be marked executable in the file system. They are each run at various stages by the package manager, Pre-Installation, Post-Installation, Pre-Removal, and Post-Removal.

# POSTINST script for goveebttemplogger

echo "\033[36m HI I'M A POSTINST SCRIPT `date +"%s"` \033[39m"
systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl enable goveebttemplogger.service
systemctl start goveebttemplogger.service

exit 0

After installation of my program and the systemd unit file, I reload the systemd database, enable my service, and start my service.

# PRERM script for goveebttemplogger

echo "\033[36m HI I'M A PRERM SCRIPT `date +"%s"` \033[39m"
systemctl stop goveebttemplogger.service
systemctl disable goveebttemplogger.service

exit 0

Before removal of my program, I stop the service and disable the service.

# POSTRM script for goveebttemplogger

echo "\033[36m HI I'M A POSTRM SCRIPT `date +"%s"` \033[39m"
systemctl daemon-reload

exit 0

After removal of my program, I reload the systemd database, to make sure it’s not got my unit file in its database any longer.

When I retrieve a copy of my code with the command git clone I then have a subdirectory below the GoveeBTTempLogger that is also named GoveeBTTempLogger. That deeper directory is the structure that will be created into the package.

GoveeBTTempLogger/usr/local/bin/goveebttemplogger: goveebttemplogger.cpp
        mkdir -p GoveeBTTempLogger/usr/local/bin
        g++ -lbluetooth goveebttemplogger.cpp -o GoveeBTTempLogger/usr/local/bin/goveebttemplogger

deb: GoveeBTTempLogger/usr/local/bin/goveebttemplogger GoveeBTTempLogger/DEBIAN/control GoveeBTTempLogger/etc/systemd/system/goveebttemplogger.service
        mkdir -p GoveeBTTempLogger/var/log/goveebttemplogger
        touch GoveeBTTempLogger/var/log/goveebttemplogger/gvh507x.txt
        chmod a+x GoveeBTTempLogger/DEBIAN/postinst GoveeBTTempLogger/DEBIAN/postrm GoveeBTTempLogger/DEBIAN/prerm
        dpkg-deb --build GoveeBTTempLogger

I made the very simple makefile above to both compile the code and build the debian package with the simple command of make deb. It produces the package ‘goveebttemplogger’ in ‘GoveeBTTempLogger.deb’.

I can then install the package and start it running with the command sudo apt-get install ./GoveeBTTempLogger.deb

I can stop and either remove it or purge it with the command sudo apt-get remove goveebttemplogger or sudo apt-get purge goveebttemplogger.

GoPro Flat Mount

I’ve had GoPro mounts fixed to either side of the boom of the sail boat I race on for several years. I primarily use the one on the starboard side, producing videos of races like the one below.

Last week the camera got caught in the reefing line as we raised the main sail, pulling the sticky mount completely off the boom. From past experience dropping the Gopro on the boat, I use a safety cord tied to the camera, so did not lose the camera.

This week I visited the boat the day before our race and installed a new mount on the boom. I also made sure that the reefing lines were resting on the port side of the boom so the camera wouldn’t be caught during the raise.

Soon after we had raised the main and taken a couple of tacks, the camera had shaken itself off the boom. The sticky pad didn’t stay stuck to the boom.

After I got home, I peeled the remainder of the sticky pad from the old mount with a lot of effort. I was able to peel the sticky pad from the new mount easily and in one piece.

The old mount is top right, the new mount is bottom left. An unused mount from my GoPro box is bottom right.

At one time I purchased a bunch of GoPro mounts in a kit from Amazon. The kit had a chest strap that was significantly cheaper than the original GoPro branded one. It was worth the price for me. I noticed that if I kept the new items in a Ziploc bag, the plastic had a distinct smell, while the original GoPro plastic did not. Knowing what I do about plastics, I didn’t want to trust my GoPro to the cheap plastic, unfortunately after having things sit around for a couple seasons I forgot that.

I believe the mount with the voids under the groove edges are from the inexpensive package. Along with questionable plastic, I believe it also used a less sticky adhesive pad.

I’ll try replacing the mount with the remaining original this coming week and hopefully be able to record another race

FlightAware and MRTG

Continuing to work on graphing data with MRTG, I finally figured out a valid script for graphing FlightAware messages from my PiAware. This is especially interesting to me because I have been playing around with different antennas and running on a couple of different Raspberry Pi platforms. On one of the platforms I’ve got two receivers, the primary one that listens on the 1090MHz frequency, and the secondary that listens on 978MHz. I’ve been especially interested in knowing how many reports come in on the secondary frequency.

Using the in and out property of MRTG graphs, I’ve got the In (green) representing 978 messages and the Out (blue) representing 1090 messages.

I added the following section to my /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf file:

pass . /bin/sh /usr/local/bin/snmp-dump1090
pass . /bin/sh /usr/local/bin/snmp-dump978
view systemonly included .

I created two files in the /usr/local/bin directory that snmp references. /usr/local/bin/snmp-dump1090:

if [ "$1" = "-g" ]; then
        echo .
        echo gauge
        /bin/grep "dump1090-fa.*5m).*FlightAware" /var/log/piaware.log | /usr/bin/tail -n 1 | /usr/bin/cut -f2 -d"(" | /usr/bin/cut -f1 -d" "

and /usr/local/bin/snmp-dump978:

if [ "$1" = "-g" ]; then
        echo .
        echo gauge
        /bin/grep "dump978-fa.*5m).*FlightAware" /var/log/piaware.log | /usr/bin/tail -n1 | cut -f2 -d"(" | /usr/bin/cut -f1 -d" "

I added the following section to my /etc/mrtg.conf file:

#       FlightAware messages
Options[_]: gauge, nopercent, transparent, pngdate
MaxBytes[_]: 12500000
YLegend[_]: Messages
ShortLegend[_]: Messages
LegendO[_]: dump1090 messages
LegendI[_]: dump978 messages

# Target[WimPi4_piaware]: `/home/wim/`
Target[WimPi4_piaware]: .
Title[WimPi4_piaware]: Pi4 FlightAware messages
PNGTitle[WimPi4_piaware]: Pi4 FlightAware Messages
PageTop[WimPi4_piaware]: Pi4 FlightAware messages

Target[WimPiZeroCamera_dump1090]: .
Options[WimPiZeroCamera_dump1090]: gauge, nopercent, transparent, pngdate, noi
Title[WimPiZeroCamera_dump1090]: PiZero FlightAware messages
PNGTitle[WimPiZeroCamera_dump1090]: PiZero FlightAware Messages
PageTop[WimPiZeroCamera_dump1090]: PiZero FlightAware messages

I was testing that snmp was responding with data using the snmpget commands, but I was getting zeros back. I could run the scripts directly while I was logged in with my regular account and they were producing results so I was scratching my head.

pi@WimPi4:~ $ snmpget -v 2c -c public wimpi4 .
iso. = Gauge32: 130
pi@WimPi4:~ $ snmpget -v 2c -c public wimpi4 .
iso. = Gauge32: 0

The extra complication that added about six hours to my figuring things out was that the /var/log/piaware.log log files were not all readable, only owner and group. The snmp daemon was not running as a member of any group that had access to that file. I verified the problem with the command:

sudo -u Debian-snmp cat /var/log/piaware.log

I fixed the problem with the quick hack of:

sudo chmod a+r /var/log/pi*


Govee H5075 and H5074, Bluetooth Low Energy, and MRTG

I have been wanting a method of keeping track of temperatures for a long time. Last week I acquired a Govee H5075 Bluetooth Thermometer Hygrometer. It communicates with an app from Govee on my iPhone using Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE).

I’ve now learned some details on BLE, and have written a program that listens for BLE advertisements from either type of thermometer and logs the temperature and humidity in a text file. The code for my project is available on GitHub.

The same program can also be called to get the last value from the log and produce output compatible with MRTG. MRTG is not the best method for graphing these temperatures, because all graphs start with zero on the Y axis, and neither the temperature or humidity is likely to be near zero.

MRTG graph of Temperature and Relative Humidity

My program seems to receive advertisements from each thermometer about every ten seconds. I’ve had a friend running the code in his location with a different set of thermometers and it doesn’t get advertisements nearly as frequently. I don’t know if that’s just because environment is different, or if there’s something else going on.

Govee GVH5075 Thermometer Hygrometer

Last week I came across a deal on a small thermometer with display and Bluetooth access for under $10 so I had to give it a try. The fact that the data is available via bluetooth instead of via a web service was a major selling point for me. I am hoping to be able to to log the data via a Raspberry Pi4.

GVH5070 near my Raspberry Pi4

I installed the Govee Home app on my iPhone and it was able to find the device, communicate with it, and pull both current and accumulated data.

When I attempted to find it from my Pi4 it was much more difficult. I live in an apartment with units all around. I’m not just dealing with my own devices that may be visible, but my neighbors as well.

I managed to find the device using linux command line tools, but was not able to successfully connect. A friend suggested BLE Scanner 4.0 for my iPhone for discovering the details, and it was at least able to confirm what I should be looking for using the linux command line tools. I still had timeout issues with the iPhone app, but at least was able to confirm that I could connect to the device and retrieve GUID information.

This is my first time attempting to gather data from a Bluetooth device. I’m still in the research and test phase. I’m listing a bunch of the URLS I’ve found that have been helpful.

From the command line on my Pi4 I already had the tools installed to try several Bluetooth commands. I believe they were installed as part of the bluez package. The first two commands below get details on the Raspberry Pi Bluetooth hardware, then the hcitool lescan command produced a lot of devices, and I found the line referencing the GVH5075 so I could use the address in further commands.

pi@WimPi4:~ $ sudo hcitool dev
        hci0    DC:A6:32:1C:B5:74

pi@WimPi4:~ $ sudo hciconfig -a
hci0:   Type: Primary  Bus: UART
        BD Address: DC:A6:32:1C:B5:74  ACL MTU: 1021:8  SCO MTU: 64:1
        UP RUNNING 
        RX bytes:21284 acl:25 sco:0 events:791 errors:0
        TX bytes:4401 acl:26 sco:0 commands:172 errors:0
        Features: 0xbf 0xfe 0xcf 0xfe 0xdb 0xff 0x7b 0x87
        Packet type: DM1 DM3 DM5 DH1 DH3 DH5 HV1 HV2 HV3 
        Link policy: RSWITCH SNIFF 
        Link mode: SLAVE ACCEPT 
        Name: 'WimPi4'
        Class: 0x000000
        Service Classes: Unspecified
        Device Class: Miscellaneous, 
        HCI Version: 5.0 (0x9)  Revision: 0x13b
        LMP Version: 5.0 (0x9)  Subversion: 0x6119
        Manufacturer: Cypress Semiconductor Corporation (305)

pi@WimPi4:~ $ sudo hcitool lescan
LE Scan ...
7B:F9:68:96:C4:92 (unknown)
57:FA:0A:E7:61:A4 (unknown)
A4:C1:38:37:BC:AE GVH5075_BCAE
A4:C1:38:37:BC:AE (unknown)
15:FF:0C:3F:E7:35 (unknown)
57:FA:0A:E7:61:A4 (unknown)

pi@WimPi4:~ $ sudo hcitool leinfo A4:C1:38:37:BC:AE
Requesting information ...
        Handle: 64 (0x0040)
        LMP Version: 4.2 (0x8) LMP Subversion: 0x22bb
        Manufacturer: Telink Semiconductor Co. Ltd (529)
        Features: 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00

Another command that I attempted before I used the hcitool command was the bluetoothctl command. It scrolls a lot of data, but now that I have an idea what I’m looking at, I may be able to see announcement data from the thermometer periodically in the stream by filtering just to see the data coming from the MAC address.

pi@WimPi4:~ $ sudo bluetoothctl
Agent registered
[bluetooth]# scan on
Discovery started
[CHG] Controller DC:A6:32:1C:B5:74 Discovering: yes
[NEW] Device 57:75:EA:B6:EC:2B 57-75-EA-B6-EC-2B
[NEW] Device E7:E7:B4:AB:4A:1F 846B219FB80338A3E9
[NEW] Device 48:56:2E:FF:59:45 48-56-2E-FF-59-45
[NEW] Device 46:53:2F:D4:6F:A1 46-53-2F-D4-6F-A1
[NEW] Device 5C:C9:C5:C9:70:5F 5C-C9-C5-C9-70-5F
[NEW] Device 48:CF:F7:19:4A:3A 48-CF-F7-19-4A-3A
[NEW] Device 4E:30:D1:5D:0F:48 4E-30-D1-5D-0F-48
[NEW] Device 7D:4A:A3:81:32:22 7D-4A-A3-81-32-22
[NEW] Device 7E:0F:63:2B:DC:3E 7E-0F-63-2B-DC-3E
[NEW] Device 7F:5D:37:A2:4E:BA 7F-5D-37-A2-4E-BA
[NEW] Device 7F:6B:44:CD:3A:E5 7F-6B-44-CD-3A-E5
[NEW] Device 00:07:80:37:BD:35 00-07-80-37-BD-35
[NEW] Device 04:52:C7:BC:1C:E3 LE-Bose Revolve SoundLink
[NEW] Device 4F:84:D2:AC:59:FF 4F-84-D2-AC-59-FF
[NEW] Device 4E:F0:6A:DD:3D:7E 4E-F0-6A-DD-3D-7E
[NEW] Device 75:25:34:3F:B9:29 75-25-34-3F-B9-29
[NEW] Device 60:EC:A4:49:B6:67 60-EC-A4-49-B6-67
[NEW] Device 98:D6:BB:20:EB:3B 98-D6-BB-20-EB-3B
[NEW] Device 78:13:28:A8:0A:FF 78-13-28-A8-0A-FF
[NEW] Device 56:6F:B2:E0:40:E3 56-6F-B2-E0-40-E3
[NEW] Device 69:D9:38:44:5C:04 69-D9-38-44-5C-04
[NEW] Device 56:63:50:90:82:D6 56-63-50-90-82-D6
[CHG] Device A4:C1:38:37:BC:AE RSSI: -43
[CHG] Device A4:C1:38:37:BC:AE ManufacturerData Key: 0xec88
[CHG] Device A4:C1:38:37:BC:AE ManufacturerData Value:
00 03 32 62 64 00 ..2bd.
[CHG] Device A4:C1:38:37:BC:AE ManufacturerData Key: 0x004c
[CHG] Device A4:C1:38:37:BC:AE ManufacturerData Value:
02 15 49 4e 54 45 4c 4c 49 5f 52 4f 43 4b 53 5f ..INTELLI_ROCKS_
48 57 50 75 f2 ff c2 HWPu…
[CHG] Device 75:25:34:3F:B9:29 RSSI: -83
[NEW] Device 47:10:2F:15:99:2E 47-10-2F-15-99-2E
[NEW] Device B8:31:B5:8B:12:D2 ETOBAN386
[NEW] Device F0:6E:0B:D1:1B:BF ELRWLK345
[CHG] Device 75:25:34:3F:B9:29 RSSI: -72
[CHG] Device 7D:4A:A3:81:32:22 RSSI: -89
[CHG] Device 7D:4A:A3:81:32:22 RSSI: -81
[CHG] Device 98:D6:BB:20:EB:3B RSSI: -94
[NEW] Device A4:83:E7:20:06:5B A4-83-E7-20-06-5B
[CHG] Device E7:E7:B4:AB:4A:1F ManufacturerData Key: 0x05a7
[CHG] Device E7:E7:B4:AB:4A:1F ManufacturerData Value:
03 13 31 68 39 63 51 6f 4b 76 54 34 00 ..1h9cQoKvT4.
[NEW] Device 00:07:80:37:CA:7D 00-07-80-37-CA-7D
[CHG] Device E7:E7:B4:AB:4A:1F ManufacturerData Key: 0x05a7
[CHG] Device E7:E7:B4:AB:4A:1F ManufacturerData Value:
03 12 78 4d 32 49 31 6d 31 6a 6f 32 67 ..xM2I1m1jo2g
[CHG] Device E7:E7:B4:AB:4A:1F ManufacturerData Key: 0x05a7
[CHG] Device E7:E7:B4:AB:4A:1F ManufacturerData Value:
03 10 01 99 44 de ad be ef 00 0a 00 ca ….D……..
[CHG] Device 4E:30:D1:5D:0F:48 ManufacturerData Key: 0x004c
[CHG] Device 4E:30:D1:5D:0F:48 ManufacturerData Value:
10 06 10 1e b0 2a e1 be …..*..
[CHG] Device 98:D6:BB:20:EB:3B RSSI: -85
[NEW] Device 00:07:80:37:BE:C9 523
[CHG] Device 5C:C9:C5:C9:70:5F ManufacturerData Key: 0x004c
[CHG] Device 5C:C9:C5:C9:70:5F ManufacturerData Value:
10 06 5a 1e 56 a0 e1 eb ..Z.V…
[CHG] Device E7:E7:B4:AB:4A:1F ManufacturerData Key: 0x05a7
[CHG] Device E7:E7:B4:AB:4A:1F ManufacturerData Value:
03 13 31 68 39 63 51 6f 4b 76 54 34 00 ..1h9cQoKvT4.
[CHG] Device 75:25:34:3F:B9:29 RSSI: -81
[NEW] Device 6B:C2:D2:28:1E:A5 6B-C2-D2-28-1E-A5
[CHG] Device 5C:C9:C5:C9:70:5F ManufacturerData Key: 0x004c
[CHG] Device 5C:C9:C5:C9:70:5F ManufacturerData Value:
0c 0e 00 41 32 56 c8 79 5a 01 9d 63 d5 79 c7 80 …A2V.yZ..c.y..
10 06 56 1e 56 a0 e1 eb ..V.V…
[CHG] Device A4:C1:38:37:BC:AE RSSI: -35
[CHG] Device A4:C1:38:37:BC:AE ManufacturerData Key: 0xec88
[CHG] Device A4:C1:38:37:BC:AE ManufacturerData Value:
00 03 32 61 64 00 ..2ad.
[CHG] Device A4:C1:38:37:BC:AE ManufacturerData Key: 0x004c
[CHG] Device A4:C1:38:37:BC:AE ManufacturerData Value:
02 15 49 4e 54 45 4c 4c 49 5f 52 4f 43 4b 53 5f ..INTELLI_ROCKS_
48 57 50 75 f2 ff c2 HWPu…
[CHG] Device 48:CF:F7:19:4A:3A RSSI: -76
[CHG] Device E7:E7:B4:AB:4A:1F ManufacturerData Key: 0x05a7
[CHG] Device E7:E7:B4:AB:4A:1F ManufacturerData Value:
03 10 01 99 44 de ad be ef 00 0a 00 ca ….D……..
[NEW] Device 78:11:F9:E8:7A:DA 78-11-F9-E8-7A-DA
[CHG] Device 47:10:2F:15:99:2E RSSI: -84
[CHG] Device 69:D9:38:44:5C:04 RSSI: -83
[CHG] Device 47:10:2F:15:99:2E ManufacturerData Key: 0x004c
[CHG] Device 47:10:2F:15:99:2E ManufacturerData Value:
10 06 1c 1e 9a e0 28 9b ……(.
[CHG] Device 5C:C9:C5:C9:70:5F ManufacturerData Key: 0x004c
[CHG] Device 5C:C9:C5:C9:70:5F ManufacturerData Value:
0c 0e 00 42 32 7b fc b2 b6 a1 46 31 82 0f 67 02 …B2{….F1..g.
10 06 56 1e 56 a0 e1 eb ..V.V…
[CHG] Device 75:25:34:3F:B9:29 RSSI: -73
[CHG] Device E7:E7:B4:AB:4A:1F ManufacturerData Key: 0x05a7
[CHG] Device E7:E7:B4:AB:4A:1F ManufacturerData Value:
03 13 31 68 39 63 51 6f 4b 76 54 34 00 ..1h9cQoKvT4.
[CHG] Device 47:10:2F:15:99:2E ManufacturerData Key: 0x004c
[CHG] Device 47:10:2F:15:99:2E ManufacturerData Value:
10 06 14 1e 9a e0 28 9b ……(.
[NEW] Device 5C:53:86:8D:A4:61 5C-53-86-8D-A4-61
[NEW] Device 42:32:EC:5F:59:C5 42-32-EC-5F-59-C5
[bluetooth]# scan off
Discovery stopped
[CHG] Device E7:E7:B4:AB:4A:1F TxPower is nil
[CHG] Device E7:E7:B4:AB:4A:1F RSSI is nil
[DEL] Device E7:E7:B4:AB:4A:1F 846B219FB80338A3E9
[CHG] Controller DC:A6:32:1C:B5:74 Discovering: no
[CHG] Device 42:32:EC:5F:59:C5 TxPower is nil
[CHG] Device 42:32:EC:5F:59:C5 RSSI is nil
[CHG] Device 5C:53:86:8D:A4:61 RSSI is nil
[CHG] Device 78:11:F9:E8:7A:DA TxPower is nil
[CHG] Device 78:11:F9:E8:7A:DA RSSI is nil
[CHG] Device 6B:C2:D2:28:1E:A5 TxPower is nil
[CHG] Device 6B:C2:D2:28:1E:A5 RSSI is nil
[CHG] Device 00:07:80:37:BE:C9 RSSI is nil
[CHG] Device 00:07:80:37:CA:7D RSSI is nil
[CHG] Device A4:83:E7:20:06:5B RSSI is nil
[CHG] Device F0:6E:0B:D1:1B:BF TxPower is nil
[CHG] Device F0:6E:0B:D1:1B:BF RSSI is nil
[CHG] Device B8:31:B5:8B:12:D2 TxPower is nil
[CHG] Device B8:31:B5:8B:12:D2 RSSI is nil
[CHG] Device 47:10:2F:15:99:2E TxPower is nil
[CHG] Device 47:10:2F:15:99:2E RSSI is nil
[CHG] Device A4:C1:38:37:BC:AE RSSI is nil
[CHG] Device 56:63:50:90:82:D6 RSSI is nil
[CHG] Device 69:D9:38:44:5C:04 TxPower is nil
[CHG] Device 69:D9:38:44:5C:04 RSSI is nil
[CHG] Device 56:6F:B2:E0:40:E3 TxPower is nil
[CHG] Device 56:6F:B2:E0:40:E3 RSSI is nil
[CHG] Device 78:13:28:A8:0A:FF TxPower is nil
[CHG] Device 78:13:28:A8:0A:FF RSSI is nil
[CHG] Device 98:D6:BB:20:EB:3B RSSI is nil
[CHG] Device 60:EC:A4:49:B6:67 TxPower is nil
[CHG] Device 60:EC:A4:49:B6:67 RSSI is nil
[CHG] Device 75:25:34:3F:B9:29 TxPower is nil
[CHG] Device 75:25:34:3F:B9:29 RSSI is nil
[CHG] Device 4E:F0:6A:DD:3D:7E TxPower is nil
[CHG] Device 4E:F0:6A:DD:3D:7E RSSI is nil
[CHG] Device 4F:84:D2:AC:59:FF TxPower is nil
[CHG] Device 4F:84:D2:AC:59:FF RSSI is nil
[CHG] Device 04:52:C7:BC:1C:E3 TxPower is nil
[CHG] Device 04:52:C7:BC:1C:E3 RSSI is nil
[CHG] Device 00:07:80:37:BD:35 RSSI is nil
[CHG] Device 7F:6B:44:CD:3A:E5 TxPower is nil
[CHG] Device 7F:6B:44:CD:3A:E5 RSSI is nil
[CHG] Device 7F:5D:37:A2:4E:BA TxPower is nil
[CHG] Device 7F:5D:37:A2:4E:BA RSSI is nil
[CHG] Device 7E:0F:63:2B:DC:3E TxPower is nil
[CHG] Device 7E:0F:63:2B:DC:3E RSSI is nil
[CHG] Device 7D:4A:A3:81:32:22 TxPower is nil
[CHG] Device 7D:4A:A3:81:32:22 RSSI is nil
[CHG] Device 4E:30:D1:5D:0F:48 TxPower is nil
[CHG] Device 4E:30:D1:5D:0F:48 RSSI is nil
[CHG] Device 48:CF:F7:19:4A:3A TxPower is nil
[CHG] Device 48:CF:F7:19:4A:3A RSSI is nil
[CHG] Device 5C:C9:C5:C9:70:5F TxPower is nil
[CHG] Device 5C:C9:C5:C9:70:5F RSSI is nil
[CHG] Device 46:53:2F:D4:6F:A1 TxPower is nil
[CHG] Device 46:53:2F:D4:6F:A1 RSSI is nil
[CHG] Device 48:56:2E:FF:59:45 TxPower is nil
[CHG] Device 48:56:2E:FF:59:45 RSSI is nil
[CHG] Device 57:75:EA:B6:EC:2B TxPower is nil
[CHG] Device 57:75:EA:B6:EC:2B RSSI is nil
[DEL] Device 57:75:EA:B6:EC:2B 57-75-EA-B6-EC-2B
[DEL] Device 48:56:2E:FF:59:45 48-56-2E-FF-59-45
[DEL] Device 46:53:2F:D4:6F:A1 46-53-2F-D4-6F-A1
[DEL] Device 5C:C9:C5:C9:70:5F 5C-C9-C5-C9-70-5F
[DEL] Device 48:CF:F7:19:4A:3A 48-CF-F7-19-4A-3A
[DEL] Device 4E:30:D1:5D:0F:48 4E-30-D1-5D-0F-48
[DEL] Device 7D:4A:A3:81:32:22 7D-4A-A3-81-32-22
[DEL] Device 7E:0F:63:2B:DC:3E 7E-0F-63-2B-DC-3E
[DEL] Device 7F:5D:37:A2:4E:BA 7F-5D-37-A2-4E-BA
[DEL] Device 7F:6B:44:CD:3A:E5 7F-6B-44-CD-3A-E5
[DEL] Device 00:07:80:37:BD:35 00-07-80-37-BD-35
[DEL] Device 04:52:C7:BC:1C:E3 LE-Bose Revolve SoundLink
[DEL] Device 4F:84:D2:AC:59:FF 4F-84-D2-AC-59-FF
[DEL] Device 4E:F0:6A:DD:3D:7E 4E-F0-6A-DD-3D-7E
[DEL] Device 75:25:34:3F:B9:29 75-25-34-3F-B9-29
[DEL] Device 60:EC:A4:49:B6:67 60-EC-A4-49-B6-67
[DEL] Device 98:D6:BB:20:EB:3B 98-D6-BB-20-EB-3B
[DEL] Device 78:13:28:A8:0A:FF 78-13-28-A8-0A-FF
[DEL] Device 56:6F:B2:E0:40:E3 56-6F-B2-E0-40-E3
[DEL] Device 69:D9:38:44:5C:04 69-D9-38-44-5C-04
[DEL] Device 56:63:50:90:82:D6 56-63-50-90-82-D6
[DEL] Device 47:10:2F:15:99:2E 47-10-2F-15-99-2E
[DEL] Device B8:31:B5:8B:12:D2 ETOBAN386
[DEL] Device F0:6E:0B:D1:1B:BF ELRWLK345
[DEL] Device A4:83:E7:20:06:5B A4-83-E7-20-06-5B
[DEL] Device 00:07:80:37:CA:7D 00-07-80-37-CA-7D
[DEL] Device 00:07:80:37:BE:C9 523
[DEL] Device 6B:C2:D2:28:1E:A5 6B-C2-D2-28-1E-A5
[DEL] Device 78:11:F9:E8:7A:DA 78-11-F9-E8-7A-DA
[DEL] Device 5C:53:86:8D:A4:61 5C-53-86-8D-A4-61
[DEL] Device 42:32:EC:5F:59:C5 42-32-EC-5F-59-C5
[bluetooth]# exit

I’m posting all of this here and hopefully will be able to make progress on retrieving the data in the next few days.

Windows File Recovery from Microsoft

Last week Microsoft released a new command line tool in the Microsoft Store. It requires running Windows Version 2004.

Last year when I was importing pictures from a camera memory card, the import program crashed. It only managed to import a few of the pictures, but it deleted all of the pictures from the memory card.

Because of my long history understanding how file systems work, I knew that the pictures were likely still on the card, just not in the directory system I couldn’t find a tool at the time to recover the files. I’d put a label on the card and set it aside. As soon as I heard about this program I installed it and tried it out on the memory card.

The funny thing is that it recovered several thousand images, going back several years. I ran it in signature mode, looking for jpeg files. In doing that, It’s just looking at all the data blocks on the drive, looking for jpeg files.

This time I used Adobe Lightroom CC to import the images and group them by the embedded EXIF data. Looking at the details, the photos that got deleted by mistake were likely from 10/28/2018. All of the photos attributed to 06/29/2020 are missing exifdata, and are just recorded as the date they were recovered.

This is a good reminder that you probably don’t want to throw away old digital media, even when you think you’ve gotten rid of all incriminating data. mspb(‘9n26s50ln705’, function(badge) { document.getElementById(‘mspb-yfhgln7xadp6’).innerHTML = badge; });